RER Q - La SEX PARTY dont tu es la·e héroïne
Wendy Delorme
Rébecca Chaillon
Claire Finch
Élodie Petit
etaïnn zwer
Six queer feminist authors write the unpresentable, the explicit, the tender, the raw and the erotic. Wendy Delorme, Rébecca Chaillon, Camille Cornu, Claire Finch, Élodie Petit and Etaïnn Zwer will be the succubuses of this all-nighter with four options:
A is an incredible place where you can run into your ex, your future crush, your mother.
B is a political place where multiple identities move and meet, where we undo the censorship of our sexualities, where we reinvent the rules and where we check our phones at the door.
C allows you to (flirt and) go from option to option, backroom A, cloakroom C. Follow me, I’ll follow you.
D offers you the sex party where you are the hero or heroine. Here we explore the possibilities of community in writing, and we include the audience by letting them choose.
This show features explicit scenes.
- 18:30
Salle Jacques Huisman
18 +
9 / 12 €
Collectif RER Q
Rébecca Chaillon
Wendy Delorme
Claire Finch
Élodie Petit
Etaïnn Zweer
Régie Son et Régie Lumières
Suzanne Pechenart
Compagnie Dans le Ventre
Un accueil en coréalisation avec le TU - Théâtre de l'Usine
Avec le soutien de la Fondation Emilie-Gourd