Yasmina Khadra, Vincent Hennebicq, Fabian Fiorini / Cie. Popi Jones
Festival des Libertés
Vincent Hennebicq takes on Algerian author Yasmina Khadra’s novel L’Attentat (The Attack), the story of Amine, an Israeli Arab surgeon who finds himself operating on the many survivors of a terrorist attack. At the end of the day he discovers that the kamikaze responsible for the attack is his wife.
The story then turns into a thriller as he goes on a quest, looking for answers. Despite having shared the most intimate things with this woman, he didn’t know her…So starts a trip towards truth, the truth of a complex territorial and cultural identity.
Like Amine, Vincent Hennebicq is not content to just adapt Khadra’s fascinating story to the stage, he also wants to uncover the foundation. With Palestinian-born Atta Nasser who plays Amine, and movie maker Jean-François Ravagnan, he goes to Israel and Palestine. Together they meet many people of different origins and religions to tell them the story of L’Attentat and record their reactions and thoughts.
Reinforced by these accounts, the show morphs from fiction to documentary, supported by the music of Fabian Fiorini, interpreted by four musicians and a soloist.
- 19:00
AR, HE, FR — Surtitles FR, NL
Sound level
category 2
Based on the novel
« L’Attentat », by Yasmina Khadra
Text and direction
Vincent Hennebicq
Composer and musical director
Fabian Fiorini
Film director and editor
Jean-François Ravagnan
Camera operator
Christophe Rolin
Assistant director
Maxime Glaude
Set and light design
Giacinto Caponio & Fabrice Murgia
Costume design
Emilie Jonet
Stage manager
Romain Gueudré
Performed by
Atta Nasser
Julie Calbete
Fabian Fiorini: piano
Laurent Blondiau: trumpet
Célestin Massot: percussion
Marine Horbaczewski: cello
Text translation
Awni Daibes
Inbal Yomtovian
Eli Cohen
Video translation
Patrick Tass
Daphné Seale
Julie Calbete
Voice over
Inbal Yomtovian
Kaat Arnaert
Language coach
Naël Daibes
Sound design & operator
Benoît Pelé
Light operator
Jody De Neef
Intern light operator
Virgile Morel De Westgaver
Video operator
Matthieu Bourdon
Stage technician
Christophe Blacha
Intern assistant director
Lorena Spindler
A special thanks to the people we met on the road, who took part in the shooting and agreed to testify for the show.
Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Set construction and costumes
Ateliers du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Mars Mons Arts de la scène, Maison de la Culture de Tournai, Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, La Coop asbl, Shelter Prod
With the support of
taxshelter.be, ING & tax-shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge, Eubelius