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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Le Chœur d’Ali Aarrass

Ali Arrass' Choir
Julie Jaroszewski

23 > 27.04.2019

A choir of women whose voices unite in song “for Ali”. A Belgo Moroccan citizen, Ali Aarrass was suspected of terrorism and arrested in Spain in 2008. Tried and having had his case dismissed, he was then illegally extradited to Morocco, a country in which he had never lived. He has been incarcerated since 2010 on the basis of a confession extracted under torture. Amnesty International and several Belgian artists have asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intervene but to no avail.

United around Farida Aarrass, Ali’s sister, are militants, actresses, professional and amateur singers all gathering strength from this activist sorority. Music and theatre power their actions and grant them an escape from tragedy. A tragedy from the colonial continuum since 1492 that Julie Jaroszewski translates in five acts to expose the complex story of Ali Aarrass and put it back into play. This story places at its center the story of all binationals.


  • - 20:15

    discussion after show with Nadia Fadil, socio-anthropologue, KUL

  • - 19:30

    discussion after show with Alexis Deswaef, avocat et président d’honneur de la Ligue des Droits Humains (LDH)

  • - 20:15

    discussion after show with Saïd Bouamama, sociologue

  • - 20:15

    discussion after show with Olivier Neveux, professeur d'histoire et d'esthétique du théâtre à l'Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, directeur adjoint du Département Lettres et Arts

  • - 20:15

    discussion after show with Selma Benkhelifa, avocate chez Progress Lawyers Network





Grande salle


discussions after shows 23 > 27.04.2019

Sound level

category 2


Text and direction
Julie Jaroszewski

Writing collaboration
Farida et Ali Aarrass
Alex C., Ludovic Drouet, Nadia Fadil, Luk Veraet

Direction assistant
Anne Festraets

Célia Tranchand

Video design
Pauline Fonsny

Scenography & light
Aurore Leduc

Making cards
Sylvie Olivier

Making masks
Laurence Petit

Houria El-Ouazghari

Farida Aarrass, Diana Abouzeid, Sophie Delacollette, Felisa Cerceda, Oriane Calligaro,  Maud Cattiaux, Marie-Francoise Cordemans,  Noémie Décroix, Mahdiya El-Ouiali, Nadia Fadil, Annabelle Giudice, Anais Moffarts, Hélène Morvan, Sylvie Olivier, Nadège Ouedraogo,  Laurence Petit, Christine Pierard, Nathalie Preudhomme, Catherine Rans,  Nadège Ouedraogo, Célia Tranchand

La Baleine Noire asbl, Insaf Takkal, Christine Pierard, Annabelle Guidice, Leïla Di Gregorio, Julie Jaroszewski, Rose Alenne

With the support of
La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Maison des cultures de Saint-Gilles, La Paséthèque Royale, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

© Alice Piemme
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024