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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Ithaca (Our Odyssey 1)

Inspired by Homer
Christiane Jatahy

07 > 17.11.2018

After the success of What if They Went to Moscow? in 2017, Christiane Jatahy is back with a new work. Loosely based on the Odyssey, Ithaque (Notre Odyssée 1) is the first panel of a diptych the second half of which will be produced at Théâtre National in 2019.

Always ready to involve the public in the conception of the story, the Brazilian artist has created an unexpected device. The stage is divided bi-frontally so the spectators are separated into two groups, on one side Ithaca with Penelope and on the other side Calypso’s home with Ulysses creating two temporalities that overlap and meet. Between the two, a double opaque curtain, an undefined space, possibly a crossing…

Intertwined by images of migrants, of borders, and of the longing for the homecoming, Ithaque offers not only a parallel with the contemporary world, but also a true reflection on travel and exile, and especially a unique theatrical experience.



  • - 20:15
  • - 20:15
  • - 20:15
  • - 20:15

    + Live music au Marché National - 22:30

  • - 20:15

    introduction - 19:45

  • - 19:30
  • - 20:15
  • - 20:15
  • - 20:15



FR, PT — Surtitles FR, EN




Grande salle

Surrounding the show

introduction 13.11.2018 - 19:45 (15')

Sound level

category 2


Inspired by

Dramaturgy, scenography
Christiane Jatahy

Artistic collaboration, light, scenography
Thomas Walgrave

Collaboration on the scenography
Marcelo Lipiani

Artistic collaboration
Henrique Mariano

Sound design
Alex Fostier

Director of photography, framing
Paulo Camacho

Siegrid Petit-Imbert, Géraldine Ingremeau

Video system
Julio Parente

Direction assistant, translation
Marcus Borja

Set design
Atelier de construction  de l’Odéon-Théâtre l’Europe et l’équipe de l’Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe

Karim Bel Kacem, Julia Bernat, Cédric Eeckhout, Stella Rabello, Matthieu Sampeur, Isabel Teixeira

We wish to warmly thank for having shared a bit of their personal odysseys

Kais Razouk, Godrat Arai & Nazeeh Alsahuyny

Odéon – Théâtre de l’Europe

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, São Luiz Teatro Municipal – Lisbonne, Onassis Cultural Center – Athènes, Ruhrtriennale – Allemagne, Comédie de Genève

With the support of
CENTQUATRE – Paris, WBI (Wallonie-Bruxelles International)

© Elizabeth Carecchio
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photo : Lucile Dizier, 2024