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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

General Assembly

Milo Rau / IIPM – International Institute of Political Murder

03 > 05.11.2017

One hundred years after the October Revolution, Milo Rau and the International Institute of Political Murder complete their work on the matter of the political and artistic conditions of global realism. From November 3-5, 2017, the General Assembly will gather 60 delegates from across the globe with the intention of challenging the newly elected German parliament – representative of all of those who are affected by German policy but who lack a political voice. In the tradition of the Assemblée Nationale Constituante of the French Revolution, at the General Assembly the global third estate gets a chance to be heard. The first world parliament in the history of mankind, accompanied by a group of international political observers, will conclude with the passing of the «Charter for the 21st Century».


Friday 3 november

19:00 > 21:00: Constitutive Session

10:00 > 13:00: 1st Plenary Session – Diplomatic Relations, Sanctions and Wars


Saturday 4 november

13:30 > 16:30: 2nd Plenary Session – The Regulation of Global Economy

17:00 > 20:00: 3rd Plenary Session – Migration and Border Regime

10:00 > 13:00: 4th Plenary Session – Cultural Global Commons


Sunday 5 november

13:30 > 16:30: 5th Plenary Session – Natural Global Commons

17:00 > 19:00: Closing Session


To read

Profile of Milo Rau
International Intitute of Political Murder


  • - 19:00
  • - 10:00
  • - 10:00





12 hours




Salle Jacques Huisman



Milo Rau / IIPM

Research and dramaturgy

Eva-Maria Bertschy, Stefan Bläske

Set design & costumes

Anton Lukas

Production manager

Mascha EuchnerMartinez, Eva-Karen Tittmann


Tariq Ali, Jean Ziegler, Ulrike Guérot, Can Dündar, Chantal Mouffe, Lúcio Bellentani, Tugrul Selmanoglu, Christos Giovanopoulos, Abou Bakar Sidibé, Feri Irawan, Nasir Mansoor, Saeeda Kathoon, Juan-Carlos Monedero, Winfried Hempel, Mehmet Daimagüler…(en cours)

Editor companion book

Rolf Bossart, Armen Avenassian

GENERAL ASSEMBLY is a IIPM's production in coproduction with Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, supported by Kulturstiftung des Bundes and Spartenoffene Fbrderung Berlin by le Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.

In cooperation with ECCHR, Diem25, Germanwatch, la campagne pour un parlement à l'ONU ! Democracy Without Borders, medico international, Reporters sans frontières, bundesweiter Koordinationskreis gegen Menschenhandel, FIAN, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Volker, Welthungerhi lfe etc.

Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024