Los dias afuera
Lola Arias
From screen to stage, Lola Arias tells the poignant story of women and transgender people incarcerated in Buenos Aires, for whom music is a source of deliverance and redemption.
In 2024 Argentinian actress, director and producer Lola Arias unveiled Reas, a captivating film that gave a voice to fourteen women and transgender people imprisoned in Buenos Aires. In Los dias afuera, six of these protagonists bring their voices to the stage, combining documentary and fiction to propel them into a liberating musical and fantastical space. The show makes use of dance, song, archival footage and powerful monologues to reinvent the musical comedy in a prison setting whose bars will soon be removed.
At the heart of an Argentina paralysed by drug trafficking, these women are often simply guilty of having been targeted by criminal gangs that take advantage of their low income and precarious situation to turn them into ‘mules’, using their bodies to transport drugs.
Shedding light on voices that are not often heard, Lola Arias’s work articulates the memories and ambitions of these women without ever stigmatizing them, while
showing the reality of prison life. A profound reflection on the capacity of the individual to transform and reappropriate the self.
Coproduction Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
- 19:00
- 20:00
Introduction · 19:30
- 20:00
- 19:00
es, surtitling fr, en
Grande salle
€9 > €30
Conception, text and direction
Lola Arias
Yoseli Arias
Paulita Asturayme
Carla Canteros
Natal Delfino
Estefania Hardcastle
Noelia Perez
Music on stage
Inés Copertino
Bibiana Mendes
Ulises Conti
Inés Copertino
Andrea Servera
Assistant director
Pablo García
Translation and artistic collaboration
Alan Pauls
Mariana Tirantte
Lighting design and direction
David Seldes
Andy Piffer
Technical direction
David Seldes
Facundo David
Matías Pagliocca
Video design and direction
Martin Borini
José Jiménez
Sound direction
Ernesto Fara
Stage management
Roberto Baldinelli
Andrés Pérez Dwyer
Manuel Ordenavia
Tour management
Lucila Piffer
Production and tour management
Emmanuelle Ossena & Lison Bellanger – EPOC productions
Artistic production in Argentina
Luz Algranti
Sofia Medici
Production, administration Lola Arias Company
Mara Martinez
Technical production
Ezequiel Paredes
Assistant director in Argentina
Julián Castro
Florencia Galano
Production assistant
Juan Zuluaga
Scenography assistant
Lara Stilstein
Talata Rodriguez (GEMA Films)
Legal counsel
Felix Helou
Social work
Soledad Ballesteros
Matias Coria
Set design
Ateliers du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Lola Arias company
Associated production
Gema Films
Coproduction (in progress)
Complejo Teatral Buenos Aires, Festival d’Avignon, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Théâtre de la Ville Paris, Comédie de Genève, Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Festival Tangente St Pölten, Kaserne Basel, Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin, Théâtre National d’Oslo, Scène nationale de Bayonne, Le Parvis-scène nationale de Tarbes, la rose des vents-scène nationale de Villeneuve d’Ascq, NEXT Festival, Théâtre National de Strasbourg, International Sommerfestival-Kampnagel Hambourg, TnBA-CDN de Bordeaux, Theater Spektakel Zürich, Mousonturm Francfort, Brighton Festival, CDN Orléans / Centre-Val de Loire, Fonds TransFabrik – deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste
Creation from May 17 to June 15, 2024, at Teatro Presidente Alvear, Théâtre Complejo Buenos Aires, Argentina