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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Scènes nouvelles

Par grands vents

Éléna Doratiotto
Benoît Piret

07 & 08.11.2024

The stage, the play area, ‘trembles’ here. A trembling area where we play with what is difficult to put into words, what is barely visible or impossible to represent. Clumsy and sensitive figures come together. In this (real and fantasized) landscape, the stone is white, the sea close by, and the sun harsh. 

These people on the margins, broken and stubborn, almost make up a theatrical chorus. Taking advantage of the presence of a source of drinking water, they embark on a sort of ritual, together with the audience, a ritual whose materialization is fraught with pitfalls.

As the intuition of tragedy is rekindled, stories, memory and poetry are summoned to counter it.

After Des caravelles et des batailles, Éléna Doratiotto and Benoît Piret are continuing their exploration of sharp, singular theatre writing in the hope of deepening the evocative power of words and the freedom of acting. They take a path fractured by risks, punctuated by joyous surprises.

Copresentation Théâtre Les Tanneurs (dans le cadre d’ICI Bruxelles), Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Tickets are available via Les Tanneurs through these booking links.



  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30







Théâtre Les Tanneurs


16 +


€6 > €25


Writing and direction
Éléna Doratiotto
Benoît Piret

Éléna Doratiotto
Tom Geels
Fatou Hane
Bastien Montes
Benoît Piret
Marthe Wetzel

Assistant director
Nicole Stankiewicz

Collaboration on dramaturgy
Anne-Sophie Sterck

Conspiratorial glances
Conchita Paz
Jules Puibaraud

Matthieu Delcourt

Claire Farah

Lighting design and general stage management
Philippe Orivel

Stage management
Clément Demaria

Intern assistant and production
Armelle Puzenat

Delegated production, distribution and support
Wirikuta ASBL – Aurélie Curti, Catherine Hance et Laetitia Noldé

A production by
Wirikuta ASBL

In coproduction with
Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre des Célestins – Lyon, Théâtre des 13 vents – CDN de Montpellier, Théâtre Joliette – Marseille, Théâtre Antoine Vitez – Ivry-sur-Seine, La Coop asbl ET Shelter prod

With the support of
Théâtre 71 – Malakoff scène nationale, WBI – Wallonie Bruxelles International, la Commission d’Aide aux Projets Théâtraux (CAPT) de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, la Chaufferie-Acte 1, Zoo théâtre,, ING ET Tax Shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge

Creation at
Théâtre des Célestins, Théâtre de Lyon, du 17 au 20 octobre 2024

Rehaf Al Batniji
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024