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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
MàD¹ Caroline Lamarche

Patua Nou

Dominique Roodthooft
Le Corridor

11.03.2023 · 16:30
Ambulatory Theatre

Did you know? The Patua – storytellers from West Bengal – paint scrolls on which they illustrate tales or poems. Then, they unroll their images which they interpret in melodic form while pointing to the story. In Patua Nou, Dominique Roodthooft adopts the pictorial narrative in the form of a meander through several stations to draw new stories related to exile. They are set to music by Pierre Kissling and sung by young actors.

While Patua Nou echoes contemporary migrations, it moves away from the fear or sadness that prevents us from thinking. Its joy and poetry call for an enlightened understanding of exile as a vital and universal movement towards elsewhere.

The patachitras (songs) are sung, chanted and told by actor-singers in different languages: mainly that of the country where they were born (French). But some refrains are sung in the original language of their family before their exile. The spectators receive a small booklet that summarizes the content of the song. ­­


  • - 16:30



fr, multilingual




Wandering in the theater


9 / 12 €


Conception et mise en scène
Dominique Roodthooft

Composition des chants

Aide à la dramaturgie
Patrick Corillon
Isabelle Dumont
Valérie Perin

Françoise Sougné

Jeu et chant
Charlotte Allen
Audric Chapus
Nora Dolmans
Isabelle Dumont
Emilie Franco (en alternance avec Irène Berruyer)
Shana Mpunga
Anna Solomin

Valérie Perin
Rüdiger Flörke

Raoul Lhermitte

Hélène Drénou
François Godin
Pascal Lemaître
Céline Thoué
Camille Van Hoof
Lasse Wandschneider
Cyrille Aron
Nausicaa Gournay

Le Corridor à Liège, dans le cadre de Bérénice : l’association Passages (Metz), l’EPCC Metz en Scènes et le Théâtre de Liège, le Chudoscnik Sunergia à Eupen, le CAS, à Mons, les Tombées de la Nuit à Rennes, le CIFAS à Bruxelles, le Centre Culturel de Dinant, le Royal Festival de Spa

Avec l’aide 
du Royal festival de Spa et du CIFAS à Bruxelles, et le soutien de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Edith Bertholet, Patrick Corillon, Nina Cosco, Sandra Gasparotto, Csilla Kemenczei, Nicole Kohnen, Elsa Mescoli, Emmanuelle Nsunda, Luc Snoeck, Brigitte Vandenbossche.

© Le Corridor
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photo : Lucile Dizier, 2024