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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Je crois que dehors c’est le printemps

Gaia Saitta
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

09 > 12.05.2023

“They’re playing with friends, I will take them to school tomorrow morning. You’ll go get and them. It was January 30, 2011. I never saw them again.”

Of Italian origin, married, Irina lives in Switzerland. One day, the father of her six-year-old twin daughters decides to take them away. A few days later, the lifeless body of the father is found – he committed suicide – but the girls are missing.

Gaia Saitta and Giorgio Corsetti take hold of this news item – out of which the Italian journalist Concita de Gregorio has created a poignant book – less to retell it than to look beyond it, to capture the breath of resistance, the dazzling poetry of the one who remains.

In a human approach, Gaia Saitta, alone on stage, invites spectators to accompany her, to take on a discreet role on the set, thus giving substance to the story, to Irina’s emotions. Whether they are questioned and/or filmed live, they underline the modesty of the actor’s interpretation and, beyond that, the power of Irina. Powerful with an attention to life. Powerful with a right to happiness that she must reclaim. Because there is the essence of humanity, Irina’s almost “scandalous” beauty: accepting to be touched by love again.

Gaia Saitta is an associate artist at the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles
Coproduction Les Halles de Schaerbeek


  • - 20:30
  • - 19:30

    Discussion after the show

  • - 20:30

    Introduction · 20:00

  • - 20:30



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Salle Jacques Huisman


Gaia Saitta
Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Gaia Saitta

Concita de Gregorio

Stage adaptation
Gaia Saitta

Giuliana Rienzi

Frédérick Denis

Light Design
Marco Giusti

Sound design
Tom Daniels

Igor Renzetti

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Les Halles de Schaerbeek, If Human (Bruxelles), Le Manège – Scène Nationale de Maubeuge

© Chiara Pasqualini
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024