On ne s’étonne plus assez de marcher sur la terre
Simon Carrot / La Tournoyante
Five beings, confined in their individual realities cross paths, meet or ignore each other. Deformations of gravity appear, materialising in turn the desire for ascent or the need to extricate oneself from a deadly movement that has become inevitable. Conditioned by distorted relationships, they're driven to absurdity by a headlong rush of which each is both actor and victim.
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Grande Salle
Conception, mise en scène, régie
Simon Carrot
Construction des dispositifs scéniques
Ulysse Lacoste
Interprétation, acrobates
Eva-Luna Frattini
Daniel Lynch
Anne-Julia Neumann
Blanca Franco-David
Florencia Merello
Paulo Perelzstein
Régie technique, manipulation au plateau
Danielo Amaya
Erwan Moysan
Composition musicale, interprétation / pianiste
Julien Drive
Aides à la production
Quelques p’Arts..., CNAREP à Boulieu-lès-Annonay
Lieux Publics
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