Conversation et projection /
Face à l'anthropocène, des utopies réalistes ?
François Gemenne, Philippe Lamberts, Carine Thibaut, Colas Van Moorsel, Eline Schumacher & Vincent Hennebicq
29.09.2021 · 19:00
Film projection
The imprint left by human activities on the planet ushers in a new era in Earth’s history: the anthropocene. In just over two centuries, humans have enduringly transformed the terrestrial ecosystem causing a disruption of the natural balances of the planet.
The meeting will focus on possible actions (individual and/or collective) to react to this observation. It will be followed by the screening of the film Anthropocène – L’Époque Humaine by Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas De Pencier & Edward Burtynsky.
A partnership with Le Soir.
- 19:00
Grande Salle