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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

The Quest

Cédric Eeckhout 

20 > 28.05.2022
Theatre – Performance

At the juncture of stand-up, the absurd and existential drama, Cédric Eeckhout obsessively singles out the similarities that unite his fate with that of the entire continent, politically and economically; he joins the great historical currents with the footnotes. According to him, the important dates in his life correspond oddly with important episodes in the history of United Europe. Even his initials play the game: CE!

On one hand we have his story, a forty year old actor looking for eternal love, marked from a young age by the separation of his Walloon mother and his Flemish father. And on the other hand, the European Union whose foundations could crack, threatened by the rise of nationalism.

During his monologue he dwells on Europe’s fragmentation and questions the ambivalent effects of Neoliberalism. He touches on his origins: he is the result of a union between someone from the north and someone from the south of Belgium, which after 18 years resulted in a divorce. Will the European Union suffer a better fate? Presenting himself as a 21st century knight errant clad in protective armor, he is accompanied in his quest by his mom and his cat named Jesus.

Together they went to the Netherlands, Sweden and Hungary, but also Flanders and Wallonia, sharing his reflections on family and Europe. They interviewed key people in the future of Europe, intellectuals, politicians, artists and also regular citizens and even members of his own family.


Conversation / EUROPE ?
Redéfinir la promesse européenne
25.05.2022, à l'issue de la représentation

Europe today looks very different from Europe ten years ago. In light of past and ongoing crises, be they economic, financial, political, social or health-related, one cannot help but wonder : how will Europe look like ten years from now? What kind of future can be envisaged for Europe and what are the possible scenarios for 2030 ?

In partnership with Institut d’Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles. 


  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 15:00

    Dimanche enfants admis

  • - 20:00
  • - 19:30

    Conversation / A chacun·e son Europe ?

  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00



EN surtitrage FR, NL


Salle Jacques Huisman




Writing and directing 
Cédric Eeckhout 

With the partnership of 
Douglas Grauwels 

Nils Haarmann 

Costumes and set design 
Laurence Hermant 

Light design 
Emily Brassier

Cédric Eeckhout
Douglas Grauwels
Jo Libertiaux 

Direction assistante 
Eulalie Roux 

English language consulting editor 
Daisy Phillips 

Translation, transcription, surtitles 
Isabelle Grynberg 
Tineke de Meyer 
Lola Chuniaud 
Pulse Translations 
Christopher Smith 
Francis Smith 
Valérie De Heyn 
Valentine De Luca 

Video Editing 
Dimitri Petrovic 

Stage manager 
Romain Gueudré 

Video direction & light 
Ludovic Desclin 

Sound operator 
Pawel Wnuczinsky 

Stage director & surtitles 
Pierre Ottinger 

Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles 

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles 

Riksteatern, Les Théâtres de la ville du Luxembourg, Mars - Mons arts de la scène, L’Ancre - Théâtre Royal, Grand Théâtre / Noorderzon, Trafó Budapest, Centro Dramático Nacional (INAEM) La Coop asbl et Shelter Prod. 

With the support of, ING et du Tax Shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge 

Une étape de travail a été créée lors du Festival XS 2017 au Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles 

Special thanks to
R.Lang, A.Romano, F. Denis, A De Vestele, M. Godichaux, FIND Festival 2017, NEST - CDN Thionville Lorraine, Le Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, La Comédie de Reims, La Criée - Théâtre National de Marseille, Le Lieu Unique, Maison de l’Histoire Européenne. 

Nous remercions les équipes des théâtres qui nous ont accueilli lors des différentes résidences en Europe entre avril 2019 et février 2020 ainsi que les 85 personnes qui ont accepté d’être interviewées pour ce projet. 

Costumes and set design 
Ateliers du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles 

© Andrea Messana
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photos : Lucile Dizier, 2024