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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Portraits sans paysage

Nimis Groupe

19 > 28.05.2022

Welcome. Two syllables that sound like a promise of meeting, of hospitality. Not for refugees. In our Western societies, the reception of exiles leads to confinement, surveillance and an absence of perspective for those who are uprooted.

For several years, the Nimis groupe has been investigating issues around migration. In 2016, their first show, Ceux que j’ai rencontrés ne m’ont peut-être pas vu, questioned the European Union’s migration policies and their economic implications. With Portraits sans paysage, the collective examines the confinement systems for foreigners and dissects the inner workings of the humanitarian work that takes place in most camps around the world. Even in the least restrictive options – such as open centres – the fate of exiles often involves deprivation of liberty. The foreigner is hidden from view, knowingly placed in the blind spot of our democracies. But the management of these organisations is not disinterested, because humanitarian aid, not without cynicism, has become a business like any other. In an attempt to optimise this aid, to make it supposedly more efficient, digital and biometric devices are now being deployed in the camps by companies winning contracts. The human is erased to make way for data collection.

Through theatrical investigation, Portraits sans paysage will bring together testimonies and speeches on stage. The work will scrutinise the system of these camps from the inside while listening to people familiar with them: detainees, exiles, social workers, humanitarian workers (NGOs or UNHCR), lawyers, psychologists, police officers, but also volunteers, hosts.


  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30

    Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show "Occupations à l’Église du Béguinage, à l’ULB et la VUB : mobilisation et décisions politiques, on en est où ?"

  • - 20:30

    Introduction - 20:00

  • - 20:00

    Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show "Quelles formes d'hospitalité et d'accueil les personnes exilées peuvent-elles rencontrer à Bruxelles ?"

  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30
  • - 20:30







Nimis Groupe

Project holder
Anne-Sophie Sterck

Writing, directing and performance
Jeddou Abdel Wahab
David Botbol
Pierrick De Luca
Tiguidanké Diallo Tilmant
Fatou Hane
Anne-Sophie Sterck
Sarah Testa
Anja Tillberg

Participation in the interpretation
Florent Arsac
Nicolas Marty
Lucas Hamblenne

Co-direction and dramaturgy
Yaël Steinmann

Anne-Sophie Sterck & collective

General assistant
Ferdinand Despy

Sound design, sound operator and singing arrangement
Florent Arsac

Light design and technical director
Nicolas Marty

Val Macé

Costumes desig
Eugénie Poste

Stage management
Lucas Hamblenne

Cultural affair 
Marion Lory & collective

Outside view
Aristide Bianchi
Jérôme de Falloise
Romain David
Élena Doratiotto
Raven Rüell
Youri Vertongen

Management, production and touring
Wirikuta asbl :
Catherine Hance
Aurélie Curti
Laetitia Noldé

A production of the Nimis groupe Asbl / Wirikuta Asbl

Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, maison de la culture de Tournai / maison de création, Théâtre de Namur, Mars - Mons arts de la scène, Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Théâtre Sorano (Toulouse), le Réel Enjeu (Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Le 140 à Bruxelles, L’Ancre - Théâtre Royal à Charleroi, Théâtre de La Cité à Marseille, Théâtre des Doms à Avignon, Le Forum Jacques Prévert à Carros, Théâtre La Renaissance à Mondeville), La Coop ASBL, Shelter Prod

With support from, ING & tax-shelter du Gouvernement fédéral belge, Zoo théâtre, Quai 41, La Bellone, Théâtre Poème 2, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, le Brass et Arsenic2

Special thanks to
Nicolas Autheman, Ayuni, Dominique Bela, Selma Benkhelifa, Mathieu Bietlot, Ségolène Bodson, François-Joseph Botbol, Robin Bronlet, Maria Busse, Jonathan Châtel et les étudiants du CET Louvain-la-Neuve, Colette, Marie-France Collard, Coralie, Alice Corbet, Marie Cosnay, Andrew Crosby, Tiphanie Daix, Evelyne Dal, Elodie Degavre, Céline De Vos, Etorkinekin, Cihan Gunes, Marianne Hansé, Olivia Harkay, Henriette, Hélène Hessler, Ibrahima, Paul Jacques, Clara Lecadet, Kevin Lerat, Jean Leroy, Camille Louis, Léa Macias, Marwan, Michel, Mina, Moriba, Bernadette Mousques, Moustafa, Alphonse Munyaneza, Omar, Nimetulla Parlaku, Ninon Mazeaud & La petite maison, Jonathan Nyckees Marie Quirynen, Rime et Naïm, Claire Rodier, Beata Szparagowska, Sybille, Hélène Trabelssi, Michel Villée, Virginie, Yassan, Hassan Yassin

© B. Sparagowska
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photo : Lucile Dizier, 2024