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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Une cérémonie

Raoul collectif

10 > 18.10.2020
Theatre – Musical show

Le Raoul is an endless and tireless progress and each show is like a freeze frame of a fertile fantasy, of an insatiable struggle for a common political and artistic sensitivity. Time is an ally, unable to be compressed and intimately linked to journeying. Slowness is a requirement, utopia is the seal of its coat of arms.

It’s been ten years since Romain David, Jérôme de Falloise, David Murgia, Benoît Piret and Jean-Baptiste Szézot have been working together in theatre and music. After Le Signal du promeneur (2012), and Rumeur et petits jours (2015), the third opus is materializing in the distance. Possibly we are being invited to a ceremony. A ceremony that is seeking its rules and its forms, which hesitates when picking its costumes and its protocol. One can make out the historical fantasy of a group looking for absolutes, carting around its ideals, its dreams and its musical instruments.

We are not surprised to find that Don Quixote is at the heart of this new episode. The inexorable quest for meaning will add a lot of heft to this new production. Have patience, our knights errant are on the way.


  • - 20:00
  • - 15:00

    + Dimanche enfants admis

  • - 19:30

    + Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show

  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 20:00
  • - 15:00

    + Dimanche enfants admis





Grande Salle


11 & 18.10.2020 - Dimanche enfants admis

Surrounding the show

14.10.2020 - Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show




Concept, writing and directing
Le Raoul Collectif :
Romain David
Jérôme de Falloise
David Murgia
Benoît Piret
et Jean-Baptiste Szézot

Romain David
Jérôme de Falloise
David Murgia
Benoît Piret
Jean-Baptiste Szézot
Philippe Orivel
Julien Courroye
Clément Demaria
Anne-Marie Loop

Technical management, music direction
Philippe Orivel

Musical coaching
Laurent Blondiau

Sound design
Julien Courroye

Stage manager
Benoît Pelé

Sound operator (in alternation)
Benoît Pelé
Célia Naver

Stage director
Clément Demaria

Light operator
Nicolas Marty

Assistant director
Yaël Steinmann

Second assistant
Rita Belova

Eye and artistic presence
Anne-Marie Loop

Direction assistant (intern)
Lorena Spindler 

Set design
Juul Dekker

Natacha Belova

Costumes assistant
Camille Burckel de Tell


Création Studio Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles


Production, administration and touring
Catherine Hance
Aurélie Curti
Laetitia Noldé

Raoul Collectif asbl

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, Théâtre de Namur, Mars – Mons Arts de la Scène, Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Maison de la Culture de Tournai/Maison de Création, Théâtre Sorano, Théâtre de la Bastille, CDN Orléans / Centre-Val de Loire, La Coop asbl / Shelter Prod

With the help of
Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne,, ING & tax-shelter du Gouvernement fédéral belge, de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Service du Théâtre (CAPT)

With support of
Festival de Liège et de Wirikuta asbl

Sets construction and costumes
Ateliers du Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

©David Murgia
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photo : Lucile Dizier, 2024