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Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Points de rupture

Françoise Bloch

29.09 > 10.10.2020

After a trilogy on the mechanics of profit and an offbeat lecture on the impotence of the politician towards the financial sector, Zoo Theatre continues its playwriting. With Points de rupture Françoise Bloch and her actors explore those moments when a person breaks with the system and/or the group in which they are situated to follow a different path.

Let’s remember the story of the frog. Plunged into a pot of water, the animal cooks slowly,  cradled by the pleasant warmth. It falls asleep and dies. Whereas, had it been dropped into boiling water it would have taken off, saved from a certain death. How do humankind or society measure up against this fable?

Burnout, rebellion, crisis, deep differences, the team questions these mutations and the oppression that precedes them or even provokes them. Up to what point does one support something? And when the center no longer holds, when one flees or completely erases the past, what are the consequences? Of what constitutes this “after”, this vibrant time/space where everything needs to be built, to be invented? A key moment since everything becomes possible.

Points de rupture is set writing. Like a trip that starts with a question which leads to another question(and then another), but during which, like one of those children’s games where sometimes you have to start all over again, the show features fragments of fictional texts, submissions based on documentary materials, improvisations by actors and videopieces.



  • - 20:45
  • - 20:15
  • - 20:45
  • - 20:45
  • - 20:45
  • - 20:45

    Introduction - 20:15

  • - 20:15

    Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show

  • - 20:45
  • - 20:45
  • - 20:45






Surrounding the show

06.10.2020 - Introduction - 20:15

07.10.2020 - Discussion "Rencontre Constructeurs d’Histoires" after show




Elena Doratiotto
Jules Puibaraud
Léa Romagny
Aymeric Trionfo

Françoise Bloch

Elena Doratiotto and collective

Faussaires Shakespeariens
Françoise Bloch
Jules Puibaraud
Olivier Saccomano

1st direction assistante
Cécile Lecuyer

2nd direction assistante
Louise D'Ostuni

Artistic collaboration and Video Dramaturgy
Yaël Steinmann

Scenography & costumes
Katrijn Baeten
Saskia Louwaard

Light design
Jean-Jacques Deneumoustier

Musical improvisation
Alberto Di Lena

Technical direction, construction and light operator
Marc Defrise

Stage Manager
Cédric Otte

Video direction
Frédéric Nicaise

Sound operator
Boris Cekevda

Stage director
Stéphanie Denoiseux

Backup dramaturge and re-search workshops assistant
Marie Devroux

Management of the research workshops 
Caspar Langhoff

Modest artistic contribution
Raven Ruëll

Directing trainee
Marina Yerlès

Daria Bubalo
Rachel Goldenberg

Executive production
Serafina Cutaia

Sales management et développement 
Habemus Papam - Cora-Line Lefèvre, Julien Sigard, en collaboration avec le Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles

Zoo Théâtre 

Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles, MARS-Mons arts de la Scène, L’ANCRE-Théâtre Royal de Charleroi, le Théâtre Jean Vilar de Vitry-sur-Seine, Wirikuta asbl, la COOP asbl et Shelter Prod 

With support from
Théâtre des 13 Vents-CDN de Montpellier, le soutien en production de, ING,Tax-shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge

With the participation of 
Centre des Arts Scéniques, ESACT (École supérieure d’Acteurs de Liège)

The compagnie Zoo Théâtre is supported by 
Fédération Wallonie- Bruxelles, service des Arts de la Scène

Françoise Bloch est artiste en compagnie à L’ANCRE/ Charleroi

Zoo théâtre remercie NathanaëHarcq, Benoît Piret, Nathalie Garraud, Olivier Saccomano, Marie Szersnovicz, Romain David et Pierre Sartenaer pour leurs regards bienveillants et critiques, ainsi que Aline Farès, Ferdinand Despy, Gabriel Sparti, Baptiste Montagnier, Benjamin Op de Beeck, Jérôme Nayer, Clément Demaria, Lucien Collard et Vincent Bockx pour leurs interventions à divers moments du travail.

© Andrea Galvani
Le Rideau de saison, Maak & Transmettre · photo : Lucile Dizier, 2024